Thursday, November 15, 2018

Once and for All by Sarah Dessen

First of all, the back of this book does not do it justice. If you are an avid reader the description of this book instantly makes you think you've heard this story before. A girl who works in wedding planning but doesn't believe in love? There's literally a movie about that. 

So what's different here?

Louna Barrett, the main character, is a teenager. That changes a lot of things, I think. We give young love a lot more leeway because it's so new an experience for the character. But her history is heart wrenching in a way I wasn't expecting. It made me connect with and invest in her character right away. I loved her.

Ambrose wasn't my favorite character, but I did like him. He's real and awkward, which I appreciate. I would've liked to see him challenged a bit more. I like characters who learn and grow from failing, especially when they think they have it all planned out. That's the evil in me, I suppose. 

Overall, I enjoyed this story (as evidenced by the fact that I read the entire book in one day). It was fun, it felt real, and I recommend it.

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