Wednesday, July 31, 2013

I am Number Four by Pittacus Lore

Lorien Legacy Series, Book 1

It begins with an idea that seems just wild enough to be possible.  9 children escape from their planet just as it is being destroyed, ravaged by another civilization.  The children are sent away with a special magic charm that will protect them, they can only be killed in order.  The book begins when #1-3 have already been killed and as the title suggests, the story then follows #4.

Known to us as John Smith, the main character is deep and troubled.  I found myself empathizing with his situation and rooting for him.  This story had action, adventure, suspense, and love.  I found myself tearing up (something I don't do often) because the story takes a turn down a road you saw coming but seriously hoped the author wouldn't take.  I adored Sarah, John, Henri, Sam, and Bernie.  I even found myself believing in the characters you weren't supposed to like and wishing they would somehow find a change of heart.

The book is inspiring, and one I HIGHLY recommend.  Check this one out...I'll go look for the second one!

The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan

Kane Chronicles, Book 1

Readers of the blog will know I am a huge fan of Percy Jackson (a previous character created by Mr. Riordan).  It should, therefore, come as no surprise that I enjoyed every page of this new novel.  I had my doubts, being that it focuses heavily on Egyptian mythology.  I have never had much of an interest in Egypt.  I tended to focus my mythological obsession on Greece and Rome.  However, my naivete didn't affect my love of this book even a little.  Sadie Kane has a similar lack of knowledge about the myths and history of Egypt so when Carter Kane filled her in, I learned with her.

Once again, Mr. Riordan has done an outstanding job presenting old mythology in a way that we will all (young and old alike) finally remember.  I just wish he had written it before I needed it in school!  Well done, Mr. Riordan.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Married by Mistake by Abbie Gaines

Harlequin Romance.  If you had told teenage me that I would one day be reading Harlequin Romance novels because they were free on my nook, I would've laughed in your face (and promptly demanded to know what the heck a nook was...but that's beside the point).  However, I have found that I genuinely enjoy a good romance.  They are a quick read and they tend to have believable characters.  If you can stomach the cheesy story line and predictability of a romance novel, this was a great one. Adam and Casey are believable, adorable characters and the idea of a reality TV series in which people surprise their boyfriend with an immediate wedding is completely inside the realm of where TV is headed.

Overall, this one was a three smile.  Good, quick read.  If you like romances, this one is for you.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Private London by James Patterson

According to the inside cover, this is the fourth book in the Private series.  However, if you've read any of them you know they don't need to be read in any particular order.  For this case we are in London following around Dan Carter, who is trying desperately to find an abducted woman whom he had promised to protect.  As it was in Private Games Jack Morgan doesn't feature much in this book, since it's not set in the USA.

For me this book was pretty good, but I expected James Patterson to give me a bit more intrigue.  The plot twists were mildly predictable, although arguably that's because I have literally read everything James has ever written and I am familiar with his writing style.  I recommend it for people who like a little suspense, but who don't really like the high action scenes.  You'll spend your time trying to figure out what's up with Hannah and who's responsible, which is certainly fun.

Three smiles for me (probably only 2 if it wasn't a Patterson novel).