Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The MacGregor Brides by Nora Roberts

This book read like three novellas. Actually, let's be real, this book read like a single novella told three times. All three books follow the exact same plot. Girl who doesn't want to fall in love meets guy who is set up with, she "accidentally" falls in love, they get married.

Let me quickly address the major problem I have with this book. The grandfather, Daniel MacGregor. According to five star reviews of this book I'm "supposed" to love this guy. Maybe it's because I didn't read the earlier books in this series, but I doubt it. The entire premise of this book involved this guy, a dangerous guy who seems to believe in traditional gender roles to an extreme level, trying to "marry off" his granddaughters.

There are scenes in this book where I was absolutely disgusted. Scenes when women are written as flaky or worthless, valued only for what they can bring to a relationship. Scenes when a woman is kissed against her will and is supposed to enjoy it. The worst part about this book is that it is written under the guise of romance, sold like it's supposed to be the way of the world. This book tells this story three times, making the point that this is what romance is supposed to look and sound like. It's toxic.

I don't like to speak out about a book this much, but this one really turned my stomach. I'm going to recommend you avoid this one.

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