I really wanted to like this book. Mostly because I've always liked Molly Ringwald movies, honestly. The book has cute illustrations, glossy pages, and plenty of short lists to keep any reader interested. But the content is nothing more than dribble. I wanted the book to be about finding inner beauty, discovering that you have a youthful "pretty" side still inside your aging body. Instead, the book is about fashion, dinner parties, hair, and other crap I am simply not cut out for. I can practically hear her hundred dollar bills flying out the window as I turn pages. Meanwhile, I cannot even fathom a situation that would justify spending that kind of money on a Hermes scarf.
Sorry Molly, I simply hated the tips you provided. To be fair, if you are the kind of person who reads fashion magazines and lives for fashion tips you'll probably love it.
1 smile since I can't do less.
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