Judy Blume, the same woman who created Are You There God and tackled those uncomfortable teenage topics relating to sex and womanhood, has done it again. This time in Summer Sisters she's tackling those topics for adults. One website I found lists this book as Young Adult, I respectfully disagree. This book had moments that made me blush and be uncomfortable, and I'm an adult.
In this novel, Judy is following two young ladies as they grow together through summers on Martha's Vineyard. The two women experiment personally and sexually through the summers. The book follows them into adulthood to see who they grow into and if they grow apart.
The topic itself intrigued me, I've had many great female friends who have influenced who I've become. However, I can honestly say I've never been in the romantic situations these ladies put themselves into. It clouded them for me, and made me hesitant to continue reading. Overall, I'm giving this two smiles. I think she went a little too far in relation to how they "experimented".
Did you get this at the library?? If you still have it I would LOVE to read it. Sounds interesting